Forensic Engineering is “the application of the art and science of engineering in matters which are in, or may possibly relate to, the jurisprudence system, inclusive of alternative dispute resolution.” – National Academy of Forensic Engineers
Forensic engineering involves specialized professional investigation of existing issues within constructed systems, determining what went wrong, and why it went wrong. The forensic process at RIVET often demands engineered recommendations and solutions for repair as well as testimony on the findings of these procedures before a court of law or other judicial forum for alternate dispute resolution.
RIVET’s primary focus in forensic engineering relates to various aspects of all building types and the built environment in general. More specifically, RIVET offers engineering services related to the investigation and repair of issues, or reported issues, involving nearly everything on a building from the roof covering to the foundation, and from the structural framing to the building envelope. Top to bottom, inside and out. Our team provides services for both plaintiff and defense as we seek to provide accurate and consistent information regardless of client type.
We pride ourselves on our ability to apply scientific and engineering principals to our cases and provide practical and sound solutions to the discovered problems. We are attentive and efficient in our work while providing high quality analysis and investigative techniques. Our team works well with a myriad of clientele to provide unique and project-specific services.
RIVET provides Forensic engineering services related to the following:
Building Envelope
Code Analysis
Collapse and Partial Collapse
Construction Defect
Damage Assessments
Deconstructive Testing (DT) Evaluation and Coordination
Drainage and Grading Issues
Earthquake Damage
Expert Testimony
Fire Damage
Foundation Movement
Fraud Investigation
Freeze Damage
Hail Damage
Insurance Claims Escalation
Legal / Litigation Support
Moisture Intrusion
Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) and Coordination
Premises Liability
Slip and Fall
Storm Damage
Structural Engineering
Water Damage
Wind Damage
Other: Please contact us for unique cases
The FORENSIC engineering process at RIVET Engineering Group begins with you, our client. Please click “Contact RIVET” to email information on your engineering needs and include your name, company name, contact information, and a description of your engineering needs and any special concerns. One of our engineers will personally respond to your request. Contact RIVET
Once retained and we understand your initial concerns and the scope of your request for engineering services, RIVET’s engineers will review the available pertinent information and will likely request a meeting at your property to gather additional information. If additional or further evaluation is necessary, RIVET will develop and discuss a plan of action with you.
After the case has been carefully reviewed and the facts considered, RIVET provides the client with an engineered report of our findings, opinions, conclusions, photographs, and recommendations as necessary.
As certain cases fail to reach resolution or settlement, RIVET engineers are experienced in depositions, court proceedings, and mediation and are prepared to testify to their findings and conclusions presented in their deliverables.
Learn about RIVET’s Design Engineering services.
Learn about RIVET’s Consulting Engineering services.